Friday 31 October 2014

All Hallows Eve

It was hard to believe it's the end of October until it got dark before five. Just finished cutting the shapes in the pumpkins for the children before they're out trick or treating. I prefer the older traditions of Hallowe'en when it was still considered more of an end to the year.

Del has been creating some fantastic Hallowe'en pictures recently - check out this link And I'm not above using any excuse to post pictures of skulls and skeletons and other scary stuff so here we have a photograph of pumpkins, dresses and cushions made out of fabric appropriate to the season and Vicky's rather wonderful "Things that Go Bump in the Night".

And just in case you don't come across anything scarier than small children this evening (and let's face it, they can be quite scary at times), here's a genuine grave experience - clearly not for the faint-hearted.

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